Your spine is sending you warning signs about distress. Ignoring these early symptoms could lead to permanent damage. Make your spinal health a priority today.

Have you been feeling some strange sensations in your back recently? Those little twinges, spasms, or pains could be warning signs that your spine is distressed. If you ignore the early symptoms, you could have permanent nerve damage or even paralysis. Your spine is the pillar that holds your whole body upright, so you don’t want to take any chances with its health. 

Even minor issues deserve your attention before they spiral out of control into chronic pain or disability. Refrain from brushing off your body’s signals – listen up and act. Your spine will thank you for it, and you’ll avoid becoming another sad statistic of irreversible damage that could have been prevented. Hear that wake-up call and make your spinal health a top priority today. The future mobility and quality of life you save could be your own!

Neck Pain

If your neck is frequently stiff, sore, or painful, it’s a warning sign you shouldn’t ignore.

Chronic Neck Pain

Dull aching in your neck that lasts for days or weeks can indicate damage to your cervical spine. Poor posture, injury, or muscle strain are often to blame. See a Spine Surgeon in Indore for an accurate diagnosis and treatment, like physical therapy or medication, before it becomes severe.

  • Try applying heat or ice, getting a massage, and maintaining good posture and ergonomics.
  • Over-the-counter pain relievers may provide temporary relief but won’t fix the underlying issue.
  • See a physical therapist to learn targeted exercises to strengthen your neck muscles and relieve chronic pain.

Shooting Pains

Sharp, stabbing pains in your neck, especially those that radiate to your head, arms or upper back, require immediate medical attention. They can indicate a pinched nerve or herniated disk in your neck needing immediate treatment to avoid permanent damage.

  • Anti-inflammatory medication or muscle relaxants may be prescribed to reduce inflammation and ease pain.
  • Surgery to repair or remove the damaged disc(s) and relieve pressure on nerves may be recommended in severe cases.

The health of your neck impacts your whole body. Don’t ignore the warning signs or think that discomfort is normal. Take action before chronic pain develops or damage becomes permanent.

Curved Spine

If your spine develops an abnormal curvature, it’s critical to be evaluated by a Best Spine Surgeon in Indore immediately. Left untreated, spinal curvature can lead to chronic pain, nerve damage, and loss of mobility.


Scoliosis causes the spine to curve to the side. As the curve worsens, your spine will rotate, pulling your rib cage out of place. Early signs of scoliosis include:

  • One shoulder blade protrudes more than the other
  • One hip higher than the other
  • Spinal asymmetry or unevenness
  • Back pain that’s worse on one side

Mild to moderate scoliosis can often be managed with bracing or physical therapy. Spinal fusion surgery may be recommended for severe curves to prevent further progression.


Kyphosis, also known as “hunchback,” causes an excessive outward curve of the upper spine. It can lead to:

  • Difficulty balancing
  • Limited range of motion in the spine
  • Digestive issues from pressure on internal organs
  • Self-esteem problems due to changes in appearance

Treatment for kyphosis depends on the underlying cause and severity. Bracing, physical therapy, and, in severe cases, spinal fusion can help reduce pain and improve mobility. The good news is that many spine curvature disorders can be managed conservatively when detected early. 

But the longer you ignore the warning signs, the more aggressive the treatment and the higher the risk of long-term damage. So, if you notice any changes in your back or spine, talk to Dr. Amit Deora, Spine Surgeon in Indore, immediately for an accurate diagnosis and advice on maintaining your spinal health.

Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain

If your lower back hurts for a few days, it’s time to take notice. Back pain is one of the most common reasons people see their doctors, and ignoring persistent lower back pain can lead to long-term damage.

The lower back, known as the lumbar spine, supports the weight of your upper body. It’s easy to strain from improper lifting, excess weight, lack of exercise, or sitting too long. Minor back pain usually improves with rest, icing the area, physical therapy or massage. However, sharp or shooting pain, numbness in your legs or loss of bowel control are medical emergencies requiring immediate attention.

Some signs your lower back pain may be severe include:

  • Pain that doesn’t improve with rest or essential treatment after a week or so.
  • Pain that wakes you from sleep or prevents you from finding a comfortable position.
  • Numbness, weakness or tingling in one or both legs. This can indicate a pinched nerve in the lower spine.
  • Loss of bowel or bladder control. This is a medical emergency and requires immediate medical attention.

See Dr. Amit Deora, the Best Spine Surgeon in Indore, if your back pain is accompanied by unexplained weight loss, fever or swelling. These can indicate an infection or other underlying condition. The longer you ignore severe lower back pain, the higher the chance of long-term nerve injury.

Consult a physician for an appropriate diagnosis and course of therapy. Options may include anti-inflammatory medication, physical therapy, chiropractic adjustment or, in severe cases, surgery to correct any underlying conditions like a herniated disk or spinal stenosis.

Radiating Pain in Arms or Legs

Radiating arm or leg pain can indicate that your spine may be compressing nearby nerves. If manipulated, this may result in irreversible nerve damage.

When spinal disks degenerate or herniate, they can pressure the nerves extending from your spine. This is known as radiculopathy or a “pinched nerve.” You may feel pain, numbness, or weakness from your back to your limbs. Usually, the discomfort worsens with movement or straining.

Some common symptoms of a pinched nerve in the spine include:

  • Pain radiating from your back into your leg (sciatica) or arm
  • Numbness or tingling in the arm, hand, leg or foot
  • Muscle weakness in the arm, hand, leg or foot
  • Loss of bladder or bowel control (in severe cases)

If you experience pinched nerve symptoms, immediately see Spine Surgeon in Indore. They can determine if it’s caused by a herniated disk or other spinal condition through a physical exam, imaging tests (MRI or CT scan), and possibly nerve conduction studies.

Treatment options for a pinched nerve include:

  • Resting the area and applying ice/heat
  • Physical therapy or massage therapy
  • Medications such as anti-inflammatories to reduce pain and swelling
  • Injections of epidural steroids to lessen inflammation around the nerve
  • Surgery to relieve pressure on the nerve (discectomy) or stabilize the spine (fusion)

The key is to get diagnosed and begin treatment as soon as possible. A pinched nerve will often heal over time with conservative treatment. However, delaying treatment can allow permanent nerve damage to develop, resulting in chronic pain, weakness or loss of function. Don’t ignore signs that your spine may be compressing nearby nerves—get checked out immediately. Your quality of life depends on the health of your spine and nervous system.

Difficulty in Walking

If walking has become increasingly difficult or painful, it could be a sign of irreversible damage to your spine that must be addressed immediately.

Nerve Compression

The spinal cord and nerves run through tiny openings in your vertebrae and disks. When these structures get compressed or pinched, it may result in leg discomfort, numbness, and weakness that worsens with walking or standing. 

You may notice your legs feel heavy, or you have trouble controlling your foot, making it difficult to walk normally. See the Best Spine Surgeon in Indore immediately, as treatment like physical therapy, medication, or surgery could be required in extreme circumstances to relieve pressure and prevent permanent damage.

Muscle Strain or Sprain

A spine-related muscle strain or sprain can also make walking painful and challenging. The muscles and ligaments in your back work hard to keep your spine stable when walking, so an injury to them will directly impact your mobility and range of motion. 

Apply ice to reduce inflammation, take an over-the-counter pain reliever, and limit activities that aggravate your symptoms. See a Spine Surgeon in Indore if the pain is severe or doesn’t start to improve in a week.


Arthritis causes inflammation and deterioration of the joints and disks in your spine. Bone spurs may also form, putting pressure on nearby nerves. This damage and extra bone growth limit your spine’s range of motion and flexibility, making walking stiff, achy, and challenging. Treatment options include medication, therapy, steroid injections, and, in advanced cases, surgery to relieve and restore function.

The bottom line is that if walking is becoming a challenge or causing you a significant amount of pain. Appropriate therapy and early diagnosis are essential to preventing permanent damage to your spine and improving your quality of life. Your mobility and independence depend on the health of your back, so don’t ignore the warning signs. Get help from the Best Spine Surgeon in Indore to get back on your feet.


If any of these symptoms sound familiar, don’t ignore them – your long-term health depends on it. Back pain is no joke and is often a sign that actual damage is done to your spine daily. Please take action today before it’s too late. Don’t become another statistic plagued by chronic pain and limited mobility. 

You only get one back in this lifetime, so take good care of it. Talk to Dr. Amit Deora, the Best Spine Surgeon in Indore, get the necessary scans or tests, make lifestyle changes, and try physical therapy. Do whatever it takes to avoid permanent and irreversible damage to your spine. 

Your future self will thank you for it. The time for excuses is over – now is the time for solutions. Take your back health seriously and make it a priority. You owe it to yourself to live free of pain and disability. The choice is yours.